Monday, March 20, 2006

Were there Ever Any Rules?

Last night, we forgot the rules of improv.

We had fun, and perhaps kicked some ass. I played way way too much, but hey, there were no fuckin' rules. So I played just right... We came up with our own "Are You Still Mad At Me?" by having a roomful of gibberish people having a Grade 9 Grad Party. It's hard to explain fully, but in the end, I think we all had fun.

Some people need to get up more! Self Motivation. There is a lot of comraderie amongst those who know each other well, so those who are a wee bit alone need to find their place.

I can't find it for you... I, after all, had to find my place in RFT. If you really want it, you'll work for it, and maybe have to wait for it.

PS-- I Just found out Craddo is also a fan of Ben Folds... making us the only Canadian fans of Ben Folds. At least I'm no longer alone.

Today's CD: Volcano, I'm Still Excited!! (Yes, that is the name of the band. Think of the Strokes and Hot Hot Heat doing some drugs, getting depressed, switching bandmates, and making a record. That's not what happened, but I think it's a good explanation)
Tracks: "2nd Gun", "Trunk of My Car", "Joe Jaxon", "In Green", "Fisticuffs", "Echo Park", "New Brad", "Mostly on an Island", "Around the Dream", "Goodbye, Casio", "By No Means", "Firebombing London", "Shouting Across the Water" "Byron's 24th Christmas", "Two Exclamation Points".


Quahtreenuh said...
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Quahtreenuh said...

Shawn, last night was awesome :)

What is in the "trunk of my car"? Yes, another dead body. I really need to get a new job.

Anonymous said...

Yup. Last night was lots of fun. Go team. Girls we missed you at TWendey's...

Anonymous said...

Well you missed Zach's mouth being occupied by 3 complete doughnuts at once. So i know i don't even need to say you missed a good time.

Sorry for excluding you from the conversation shawn... haha.

Quahtreenuh said...

Oh Jesse, I didn't even realise we were invited :P I mean, what with the exclusive conversation behind the gym....

Quahtreenuh said...

three MAPLE doughnuts with ketchup.

Anonymous said...

You guys are asking too much of that poor kid. Do you want him to choke or something? bah.

Quahtreenuh said...

I think Jesse said Sunday, didn't he. Just like everybody else :P

Shawn Pallier said...

Hey, what is this, a Message Board? On the other hand, I'm happy you guys convene on my blog... I guess. No, yes. I'm Happy.