Thursday, March 16, 2006

In the Nick of Time.

I don't think anyone will read this unless I post it. It's a comment from the "Perspective from the Prospects" post. By Nick. I shall put it all in blue. And Italics.

To directly quote Shawn, "[The Prospect Jam is] like bran". There you have it, folks. That's all you need to know.

Is it success to have lots of folks at the jam? Maybesies. An important point to make is that it's an entirely different setting than a workshop or a performance. That's a good thing and an ungood thing, because while it lets one get some improv in after high school (it's not that far away, you know!), it can also lead to stagnation.

My challenge to all the new kids on the block who just discovered the PJ is to introduce something to improv that you want to see, and share it with your fellow 'provver. Invent!

One less positive note for those of you who wind up auditioning: space is limited on the schedule, and even moreso since dickheads like me and Busby squeezed into that overfull elevator, so don't be surprised if you don't get picked up right quick. Your best bet is to stick with the Prospect Jam through thick and thin (thin being 3 people or less), and while you're at it, IMPROVe! It's tough not making an ass of yourself on stage, and you need to develop a flexible attitude toward what improv is and can be in order to make a good show. Always IMPROVe.One more tip for auditioneers: Be polite and energetic and note that while a TS audience might like toilet humour, understand that the folks evaluating you (probably Chris Craddock, Condor/Bill, Kevin Gillese, Joey, or any combo thereof) have heard it all before. Try to focus on the things that only an improviser would notice and your chances will be better for it.

There you have it. Useful information from a useful guy.

As for me, I need to keep proper perspective of things as well. We received a schedule recently, and I perform for y'all once a month. It's gonna be tough. Why? Because I was once spoiled.

Some of you who watched the show not too long ago know I used to perform every week. I had some good moments. I like myself for the most part.

So I need to pick myself up, dust myself off, and replace some no-shows. Expect to see me every week, watching from the sides, not drinking any more. It'll make me feel better.

Like Bran.


Anonymous said...

I was quite drunk last night. Just thought you'd like to know.

Quahtreenuh said...

Yay it's back up!