Friday, June 08, 2007

My brain is Bleeding from the Originality!!!

That new movie with the cutie patootie penguiy wenguiys is advertising itself as "The Most ORIGINAL Animated Movie EVER!!!"

Yes. because we didn't just watch Madagascar, Happy Feet, March of the Penguins, Farce of the Penguins, or any of those videos where the penguins trip, push, or fall face first into the ice. Penguins are perhaps the most original idea anyone has ever had this side of Pluto.

Gimme an O.
Gimme an R.
Gimme an I.
Gimme a G.
Gimme another I.
Gimme an N.
Gimme an A.
Gimme an L.

What's that spell?

Monday, June 04, 2007

High School Unclassified

I just wrote this letter to a friend of mine from High School. There's a reunion on the 9th. And this is me thinking out loud.

"Oh, how I did at one time want to do the reunion. But it's funny how a bit of bad news can bum out a whole summer... The moving thing is just not working for me anymore. Since I came back to Edmonton in '99, I've lived in 6 different places. I know, that's not a lot, but it's too much moving for me. Now I'll be dodging bullets in Millwoods, because frankly, it was the only part of the city I could afford.

I know myself too well, and I won't be in the right mindset for seeing folks again. I'll be all awkward and hangdogish, mumbling about how I still don't have a grown-up job and have auditioned for a grand total of 4 productions in 10 years, so I sabotaged my own acting career... Then I'd realize I was being Captain Pity Party and talking about myself too much, and then I'd try to puff up my chest and talk about the workshops I teach and the whole Theatresports experience being nice. And then I'd realize I was still talking about myself.

And then I'd get paranoid that everyone was looking at my sunburnt bald spot.

And then I would roll my eyes, realizing that not everyone is looking at me, of course.

I think I want to be a little more calm, and have a little less things on my mind... Oh, and about the Employee Lunch in September, call this number: 448-0695. The good folks at Rapid Fire Theatre would do that kind of thing and would impress as much as they entertain.

Sorry for gushing. Long day."

Hence, the lack of new posts. Not in the mood, and they would all sound this annoying and whiny if I made them regularly. So when I feel less like this, I'm going to post so many notes, 3M would be jealous.

Did I mention the decreasing quality of my jokes lately?