Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Is Music Bisexual?

The Hidden Cameras (and Erin) once said "Music is My Boyfriend" (or, they have said it multiple times if you own the track). Well I guess since Music is going steady with me, I need to throw it down with Erin or ask Music just where it stands.

So far, our compilation goes like this (warning: I went with the underdog, that is, the person who doesn't vote often if there was a dispute; sorry Kay, you'll need allies to make some of your choices go through):

New Pornographers- Jackie Dressed in Cobras
Beck- Hell Yes (Ghettochip Malfunction Remix)
The Bravery- Swollen Summer
Ben Folds- Prison Food

If you don't like it, and you haven't voted, start with the "Time for a Compilation" Post and work your way up. Rock the Vote, and this time, we actually are.

Stomp your British Knights down. Hats off to the pointy guitars.

I also summon you to vote on a track, and put it in the comments...Today's CD: Spoon "Gimme Fiction"
Tracks: "The Beast and Dragon, Adored", "Two Sides/Monsieur Valentine", "I Turn my Camera On", "My Mathematical Mind", "The Delicate Place", "Sister Jack", "I Summon You", "The Infinite Pet", "Was it You?", "They Never Got You", "Merchants of Soul".


Quahtreenuh said...

I'm not voting anymore.

Shawn Pallier said...

Now now! I was just trying to inspire you to get the Sarah-types to vote. No offense intended.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure music is faithful to me and me alone.
But I can and will fight you for him.
And I choose "My Mathematical Mind" because I like math.

Quahtreenuh said...

Sarah-types. It's all about the Sarah types, I swear!

I am on strike.

Quahtreenuh said...

To be fair, I will second Erin's vote for "My Mathematical Mind"

Anonymous said...

woot woot i love peer pressure and am going to go with sister jack because of it's oxymroonness (oxy-moron-ness

Anonymous said...

I hereby vote for Beethoven's 5th Symphony, 3rd and 4th movements. Manheim Steamroller, biatch!