Thursday, March 23, 2006

Doubling the Dose of Shawn

An announcement: I am now no longer working on Saturdays.

After 6 years with ARTIFACTS Trading Company, I officially earned my Saturdays. This means no more:
"Sorry dudes, I've got to go. Gotta work tomorrow morning."
"I really should go at the intermission. I need some sleep."
"I'm a big lame."

So, lovers of improv, audience and performers alike, let's party. I'll wear a hawaiian shirt and heart-covered boxers every friday, and those sunglasses with the fluorescent handles--neon pink, green, blue and such. That'll prove what a party animal I am.

I look forward to being the social butterfly that I once was. I am saddened by my recent "social moth" status.

I would like to welcome Chad"wicky" Cuthbertson-- Chad the Rad, my Hardy brother, to the world of blogging. I think he'll prove entertaining. I put a link in my section over there. See?

This is one of the last CDs I will be doing on my blog. It turns out, generally, a limited people want to help me make this thing. It's cool, life is an experiment. I need only 3 more tracks after this one to complete the disc.

Today's CD: Hot Hot Heat "Elevator"
Tracks: "Running out of Time", "Goodnight Goodnight", "Ladies and Gentleman", "You Owe me An IOU", "No Jokes-Fact", "Jingle Jangle", Pickin' it Up", "Island Of the Honest Man", "Middle of Nowhere", "Dirty Mouth", "Soldier In a Box", "Shame on You", "Elevator".


Anonymous said...

"I'm a big lame."
Haha...that quote made my day!
And I'm definately coming to improv this weekend, so I'm expecting to see those sunglasses.
They sound pretty phunky.

Vote= "You Owe Me and IOU"
Just cuz it's a funny name.


Quahtreenuh said...

Shawn, I can't vote on this one, as I actually know the CD for once...

Shawn Pallier said...

Bah! Vote anyway! Pick your fave.

Quahtreenuh said...

That defeats all my previously established voting methods......

You Owe Me An IOU.

There, I did it.

I hope you enjoy your CD :)