Wednesday, May 31, 2006

On June 1, at 7:30 PM...

...Be ready to rock the most metal library in the city (IDYLWYLDE!! Meedilymeedilymeedily) and do a workshop with yours truly.

It's a workshop for absolute beginners in Improv, so if you have experience, you might want to leave this one in the dust.

Here's the thing though. You've got to register. I think you can just call them (496-1808).

Link of the day:
Hee hee, I don't know what I'm doing with this page yet.

Song of the day: "Jackass" by Beck. Found a live recording of sorts, and put it on the link above. Maybe that's the function that page will serve... Songs of the day. Yes.


Anonymous said...

Hey shawn... something you might find cool:

Asshole - Tom Petty

It's a Beck cover and it's kinda cool. Maybe you can download it? You might like it...

Shawn Pallier said...

I'm super-surprised that there doesn't seem to be a "Beck-cover" album yet... It'd be a gift from Gord. I mean, God.