Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Read My Hips

So, I was collecting money for the Level 2 workshop at the RFT space last night.

Just before I left, I said "Read My Blog!".

I then mentioned the plethora of hits I'd been getting (y'all know how I hate to brag).

And then I swung a mimed pair of gigantic testicles, clanking them together and doing a little dance on my way out of the room.

I don't get it (my sudden more-idiotic-than-usual behaviour)... Perhaps it was karma, making me pay for my deadly sin of pride.

But I can't blame karma for everything... can I?

Song of the Day: "Verbal Anime" by The Herbaliser. Because it makes about as much sense as I do... But hey, I'm having a freak-ass good time. Clanky-clank!

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