Friday, June 02, 2006

Dirty Taps and Dirty Limos


I'm hung over like all get out.

I picked up my car on the way to work.

It was at the bar.

Taught a workshop for kids last night (age range: preteen to adult- so I guess "kids" is a little general). They were understanding all the games waaay to fast... and then I found out that some were Citadel kids. Er, adults... Homosapiens.

Saw a limousine with a makeshift trailer (made of black wood, cart-style) attached this morning. It also had a custom (poorly made) roofrack. It was beat up a little, and the windshield was cracked.


Now if you'll excuse me, I have some gravol and Ginger Ale with my name on it.

Song of the Day: "San Diego" by the Starlight Mints. Used to like this band a lot, and still do a little. Come and listen to it at

Link of the Day:
Senor Cardgage's profile... so cool...
For those of you who don't know who he is...

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