Monday, May 29, 2006

The Rise of Lawrence Bideaux?

Yes. A reincarnation.

Some of you maybe read the story about my clownie alterego, Bido.

Well, I think I found his new look.

You see, sometimes (more often than not), I'd say people are totally weirded out by clowns. Either you hate them, they make you feel uncomfortable, or the "uncoolness" of being one makes you want to punch them.

However, I like a well-performed or sincere clown.

I think most people would rather not get to know a clown. The mere appearance of a red nose is like a stop sign or a medicalert tag that says "Warning: Very likely to annoy and follow those who least want anything to do with me. There is no vaccine."

So I can solve that problem. I'm going to take Bido's nose away for a while, and I'm going to give him an alterego.

Aw yeah. Very Gemini.

I will call Bido's alterego Lawrence Bideaux. I don't know when or where he'll make his debut, but it's bound to happen. Essentially, he's a very confident man who believes he can do anything he wants at any time. Become a hockey player? No problem. Become Canada's next Prime Minister? Easy. Do burpees from Edmonton to Calgary? Before breakfast.

But the only problem will be, he fails outright every time. It's more the journey that'll be the story, not so much the accomplishment... Well, not the thing he set out to accomplish. I'm sure he'll get all sorts of unintentional glory on the way...

Perhaps some short films will be the way to introduce him. Around 2 or 3 minutes long, just to warm people up to the idea at first.

Then, the climb up Everest, using only his teeth.

Link of the Day:
Copius pictures of real and fake animal encounters. Enjoy.

Song of the Day: "Hanging on the Telephone" by Def Leppard. You heard me. Def Leppard has a new, 2006 album of covers. Including this one, originally done by Blondie, also covered by L7.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This one time, when I was 6, a clown beat me up for no reason....