Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Me and Mrs. Jones, We Have a Thing Going On

So it comes to pass that I look like a follower again, not a leader.

But I swear to you, I watched the Oilers through it all. I remember watching Joe Murphy, Vinnie Damphousse and Shayne Corson lose lose lose night after night. I remember when watching Bill Ranford stand on his head wasn't fun any more. Hell, I remember when it seemed every single goal that was scored by the Oilers seemed to be either by or assisted from Wayyyyne Gretz-ky!

But now, if I get my Oiler window flags and run screaming up and down Whyte Avenue, I'm just like the rest.

That's what the guy at Blackbyrd Myoozik thought about me when I bought the latest Sharon Jones (and the Dap-Kings) album. That I was just like the rest. A follower. But man, I've loved everything, everything Sharon Jones touches.

Now, I hear about her in See, Vue, Rolling Stone, CMJ, everywhere. I hear her on CKUA. Her music is used for a variety of products. That pure, 60's funk recorded now instead of then. My ears even picked her song out of the car ride in "Free Ride". They were playing her cover of "What Have You Done for Me Lately" when Dove and Nate's Aunt were going on a date.

The very same song I put on the "Improvaganza 2005" mix.

I'm happy for her success. But I didn't jump on a bandwagon.

That's not the way I roll.

Song of the Day: "As Ugly As I Seem" by the White Stripes. Plug this song in, amp it up, and picture it beeing covered by The Suicide Machines. Brilliant.


Quahtreenuh said...

Isn't it funny how we feel we have to justify our interest in things, and heaven forbid we enjoy something that has become 'popular'... and when we do, we have to make it clear that of course, we were into it before it became 'mainstream'... things are popular because they are good. Well, generally. I suppose some things are popular because they are marketed well... but somebody put hard work into that marketing, shouldn't it be rewarded too, if we want? Anyways, I just think it's sort of silly to worry about pretentious people judging when you happened to start enjoying the pleasures of something popular. It's just a human quality, I supppose, to care... but if you think about it, it's just silly. You like it for yourself, who cares if somebody is being a big jerk and making assumptions about you? Ultimately it's them looking mentally challenged.

Shawn Pallier said...

I'm really more pissed off about the Oiler thing, and being passed off by neighbours and new friends as "uncool" or "bandwagon jumping". Yeah, I like it. Those folks don't have to immediately think I'm a big fat loser for it, though... I use the Sharon Jones thing as an example: A la Kay.

Quahtreenuh said...

Ah yes, but it applies anywhere. Who cares how long you've supported the Oilers? The point is that you do! And that is cool!

Shawn Pallier said...

My spirits. Lifted. I am cool, just like my 4th grade teacher said.

Quahtreenuh said...

Hey, at least she's not a relative... like how my mom says I am cool...

Anonymous said...

I think I'm jumping on the bandwagon too late, but on your CD I'm pretty sure that I listen to her song waaay too much. I love it! I gets me dancing and such.
But I guess it's too cool for me to like now. Dang.


Shawn Pallier said...

It's okay, I'll make a copy of the disc for you so the ay-holes at Blackbyrd Myoozik don't give you an "ickypoo" look. Hehe, their store abbreviates to BM. They like to poop on things.

Anonymous said...

Haha...thanks! That would be most awesome of you. I would hate to get an "ickypoo" look.