Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Karaokay? Karaexellent!

Improvaganza had a little function for all the improvisers yesterday; And I loved it.

We all packed into a tiny Afghani Restaurant and sang the night away. I did a rendition of "Mambo Number 5" for 2 beers. But I told everyone it was for 3 beers.

I said it was Metallica's cover of the song, and proceeded to sing it in the style thereof. Even I was irritated when I was done. But that didn't stop me from having fun.

The Belgians referred to me as the "Body in the trunk" for my ride home. MJ's car was a little packed, so I had to ride in the back, which was actually just the back of a wagon. Sorry MJ, I hope you don't mind me calling your car a station wagon. Maybe you prefer Mini-SUV or MPV or all that jazz.

I should really stop referring to the Belgians as "the Belgians". They have names, I know. Yann, Helga and... The feller I really like. I really think he's fun. And damn it, I can't remember his name.

Thanks for the good times, Improvaganza.

1 comment:

Shawn Pallier said...

Ollie. Yes! Thanks, Scott. I haven't the foggiest how to spell it.