Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Workshop? Who said it was Work?

And by that I mean damn! These kids are talented.

I did one evening of a two-day workshop with iHuman, one of Edmonton's youth theatre groups yesterday. I spent the evening going over accepting and spontaneity, because I've always felt inhibitions and thinking too hard are two of the biggest roadblocks when you're starting Improv.

They totally aced that shit.

So tonight, we'll be delving into Character development and Storytelling, because these ladies and gentlemen are more than ready.

It's fun watching people jump into things and not worry too much about what they're going to say or do. There were, of course, a couple of times that people thought they had "nothing" to offer or no ideas, but when encouraged, they had the best ideas in the room.

Put that in your doober and smoke it (yep, the doober girl is from iHuman, she contributed to what made Slovenia great... hee hee).

Song of the Day: "Eyes So Green" by Motive Unknown. My bud Robby Suter fronts the band (lead guitar, lead vocals), and I've known him since grade 5 back in 19-dickity-2. Hey, listen to it here:

Link of the Day: Multitalented, yes.

Imposter E-mail of the Day: Inhumanity B. Growled. He (or she) wanted to sell me online drugs.

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