Sunday, October 15, 2006

Radio With Comic Timing

So I'm listening to the news on the radio a couple of days ago. They mention a story about a boy and sports.

You see, the boy in the story is autistic. He plays on a baseball team. His coach isn't terribly fond of the way he plays baseball. The coach is a pussy, so instead of teaching the boy some better fundamentals, he gets a different boy on his team to throw a baseball at the autistic boy's head to hopefully injure him so that he can't play baseball any more... Or at least so he won't play that day.

Immediately following that news story, a commercial.

It was a little boy's voice, talking about how much he liked sports, and how (inexplicably) McDonald's has something to do with that. And the kicker: A sports-style organ solo playing the "ba-ba-ba-ba-ba... I'm lovin' it" music.

Do-do-do-doot-da-do! Charge(s laid)!!

Song of the Day: "People of the Sky" by Sloan. Ba-ba-bada-baaa!

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