Thursday, September 21, 2006

The King is Dead (or he resigned, I don't remember)

So it has come to pass that King Ralph can go out undefeated.

And that pisses me off.

Okay, so a lot of my friends, relatives, and even my own bosses love him, so who cares what I think, right? Good. Then it's agreed. Everything I say from here forward should not make anyone upset, because all you Klein-lovers can have a big party knowing that you won.

And Alberta lost.

I'm not going to examine the title "King" for too long, other than it describes him perfectly: A ruler with unlimited power.

Who else would offer 10 billion (yes, billion) dollars to any person from Japan during the mad cow crisis (if they got sick from Alberta beef)? Oh yeah, but Klein supporters know that our government has a very limited budget, and that any money cut from health care, social programs, and pretty much anything to do with a cleaner environment is totally reasonable because "There Is...No...More...Money".

Our poor, poor province couldn't possibly put more money into those programs. After all, he never truly intended on shelling out during that beef thingie. That was just to prove a point. He wouldn't have to fork the money over, because nobody would get sick from the beef.

Thanks Pee Wee Herman in "Pee Wee's Big Adventure", you gave Ralph Klein an idea; putting up money that never has to be rewarded. But guess what? We probably could have done it.

But then we wouldn't have a lot of money to throw at people when we went through homeless shelters, now would we?

To get through everything he's done would make this a 10-part series.... Shutting the door on same-sex marriage, blatant descrimination on every level, problem drinking... well, maybe I shouldn't be too judgemental on that last one, but come on. He's supposed to be our Premier.

But the dream for Conservatives is soon over in Alberta. Even a new Conservative could never fill those shoes.

Bye now.


Anonymous said...

Nah Nah na na, na na na na, hey hey heeey! GOODBYE!

J D Coulter said...

Couldn't agree with you more Shawn. Klein's government was one of the big reasons that Kat and I left Alberta in the first place. Sure we pay more in sales tax, but we got free of "King Ralph".