Thursday, September 14, 2006

...And Scene. Picture me waving my hands downwards in an "end-of-scene" style... Picture the lights going down.

Yes, even though it's "scene" for the Prospect Jam, it's "go" for the new season on September 22.

It's been decided that P-Jam is gonna take a rest. Maybe it will rest for many moons. Maybe it will rest forever, and I think we should all be okay with that.

For those who are kind of pissed, don't be. I'll miss you all being in my life every Sunday, but now you can check out some of the wicked alternatives to P-Jam.

You just have to find them for yourselves... and of course, RFT still offers the best workshops in town.

I think we should have an Irish Wake for the P-Jam. For those who don't know what that is, it's a drunken party celebrating the departure of a friend. 'Twill be sweet.

Shall we name a time and place?


Shawn Pallier said...

Then it's decided. Halloween at Jesse's place. I'll bring the beer bong. I just have to make one first.

Heh heh.

Anonymous said...

I'll go so long as I have 2 people to carry me for when I have 5 too many beers


Quahtreenuh said...

Yeah yeah yeah, VERY end of October, becuase then I will alo be 18!!!!!!!!

chadisarobot said...

that will let me buy ke her birthday beer since i wont be able to at the show, lol

Quahtreenuh said...

Awesome solution! I was worrying about that, Chad!!

Unfortunately, I have once again decided that I am no longer going to drink anything with any OHs attached to the end....