Sunday, November 02, 2008

About Sean Cullen; How am I Supposed to Feel?

Apparently, I cannot survive without television.

As I work at my Compy 2000, I tend to watch the Comedy Network on my '80's Samsung 13 inch screen. And who is having his own special today?

Sean Cullen.

Yeah, I know. There should be an accent over the "e" in Sean, but who really gives a flying frick. My point is, as a Canadian, am I supposed to love Sean Cullen by default?

Let's look at the positives: Corky and the Juice Pigs. Very funny, especially "Remember", that REM parody... Awesome.

That's the only positive I can recall.

Let's look at the negatives:
1. The accent. I don't even know what sort of accent that's supposed to be. Pseudo-british?
2. The Food of Your Choice... Some of the worst improv I've ever seen in my life. Seriously.
3. The Costume Changes. Ooo! I'm going to dress up like an old woman and do the EXACT SAME ACT!! Hmmmm...
4. The Jokes. Here, I'll write one right now: "I am feeling old. Old like the slime on the walls of some ancient castle, old like the drool on Grandpa's chin... old... old like the Pope just before he careened into a death pool with all the various things swimming in it, swimming and drowning like oh so many drowning things... With fruits and vegetables being boiled in the deep by some sort of soup chef... a soup chef with a funny hat and a shovel in his ear...".
5. The facial expression. How does he hold that "I'm going to tell you a saucy story" face for as long as he does?

I could go on, but he might read this some day, so I think I'll stop.

But really, I guess I should just be supportive; It's the rare Canadian comedian that becomes an actual celebrity. Sure, he certainly hasn't made it in the states, but here, why he's our Whoopi Goldberg, our Billy Crystal, our comedian-that-isn't-truly-hilarious-but-never-says-anything-offensive-enough-to-worry-about-them-ruining-the-reputation-of-the-station special guest host.

He's mostly harmless. I don't know why I'm picking on him today, other than to pose this question:

Should I learn to love Sean, like a stepbrother that I'm not fond of, but have to live with, or am I allowed to criticize him? You be the judge.

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