Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Hiatus. That's The Way I Like It.

I'm sure 4 or 5 of you might have noticed my little theatre notice board.


I'll get it back up some day. It was like an experiment for me... Part of a big master plan to get back in the game. I hope to start a real theatre website in the fall of this year. You know, with actual useful shit on it.

For serious.

Until then, ramblings again... like this one:

I'm in Safeway. I'm just minding my own business.

I ain't tryin' to cause no trouble.

All of a sudden, I see them: Cripps Apples.

Yep, real Cripps. Right there in the grocery store. I'm thinking to myself, "If I just act cool, nothing will happen."

Think again.

I turn my back to the organic stylings of the Cripps apples... Only to discover Blood Oranges.

That's right. I found myself right between the Bloods and the Cripps.

Don't Panic. Whatever you do, I said to myself, Don't panic.

I just stared straight ahead, wondering what they were thinking about each other, and what might go down. But this, my friends, was a stand-off. Neither parties were moving, and neither parties were backing down.

I count myself lucky, making my way out of the Millwoods Safeway. Somebody else caught in my position might have lost their head, but because of all the crazy stressy shit I've been through lately...

...I was as cool as an English Cucumber.


iloveshawnpallier said...

Was it the cucumber from last night??

Coolestguyeverintheworld said...

quit clowning around or you will end up in quite a pickle.