Friday, June 30, 2006

As the Late Owen Hart used to say...

Enough is enough, and it's time for a change (yeah, a wrestling reference. Don't make me give you a Soviet Judo Suplex).

Yes, Rapid Fire Theatre is changing, because it's a company on the move! It's only 25, hell, it could still date one of those teenager companies if it so desires... But it won't, because it is it's own entity. Nobody owns it or tells it what to do... uh, except maybe Karen or Crad... or Kevvy, or, well, a board...

Regardless, for the month of July, it looks like the change we're getting is an old school one. That's right, the return of survival of the wittiest. That's where captains are chosen at the beginning of the evening, and they choose the most rockinist, rocksteady beat of a team based on what members of the cast are actually, physically there for the evening.

Oh yeah, it gets nutsy, even heavy heavy monsterish. Anybody from any rank may appear in the first half. We're talking rookies, regulars, and even those second half-types... ONE STEP BEYOND!!!

That is, if the designated captains want to pick you... You see, it's like pickin' teams for floor hockey. Sorry dude, there's only room for 3 forwards, 2 defensemen and a goalie... But wait, in Theatresports, there's really only room for 2 forwards and 2 defensemen. We might let a 3rd forward in that mix, but it should be rare. But there are NO GOALIES in Theatresports!! That's like a safety net. We don't do no f'n safety nets at Rapid Fire Theatre.

If we fall, we break our faces, spines, and ribs.

And then we take a bow.

Song of the Day: "You Keep Me Hanging On" by Madness. This song just keeps getting covered and covered and covered. But I think this is the first Ska cover... Unless Me First and the Gimme Gimmes got a hold of it first... hear Madness here:

Link of the Day:
You know, in case you've never heard of them. I think every boy or girl should briefly go through a Gimme Gimmes stage... and then feel a little bad about it afterwards. But still secretly enjoy the covers.


Anonymous said...

... and speaking of songs that sound the same...

(sorry but I have nothing to say about Rapid fire other than its pretty cool)

Check out they have a list of disturbingly similar sounding songs. You can listen to clips. Not on the list however is "Touch Me" by the doors, "Are you gonna be my girl by Jet and (I admit that this one is a bit of a long shot) Walk like an Egyptian by the bangles.

Shawn Pallier said...

This is very cool.

Thank you anonymous... One I would like to add to that's already on the list is:

"Hash Pipe" by Weezer with
"Whatcha Waiting For?" by Gwen Stefani

To top it of, there already is a Lita Ford song on the list that predates both... weird.

I'd also like to add
"Billie Jean" by Michael Jackson to
"Without Me" by Eminem.
Not a real direct ripoff, but certainly obvious.

Anonymous said...

anonymous again...

Listen to the base line on "riders on the storm" by the doors. It's the same as Billie Jean by M.J.

Shawn Pallier said...

I love that shit. There's only so many notes that the human ear can hear, so I guess we're bound to use the same ones sometimes...

Anonymous said...

ok, one more and I'll stop pestering you about this but check out www.thomas, his list is much larger. there are sound clips for most of the songs, some are absolutely blaitent rip off's of one another.

Shawn Pallier said...

Appreciate it, now I can really ramble at the bar...