This is a map of Slovenia. Some of our lovely improvisers are from here. And we could all benefit from what they've shown us at Improvaganza.
Often times, natural coolness and stage presence is a rarity. A lot of improvisers struggle with it, and perhaps at times even put it on. But on the evening of June 21, I saw two improvisers who were just being themselves, and it was one of the easiest to watch shows I've ever seen... Now more than ever, I understand notes that are given to improvisers like "It was hard to watch" or "I'm uncomfortable when I see you do ____".
I don't want to delve into reviewing scenes and such (I already tagged on to JTW's comment on the dream scene at his blog: http://ilovecakelikeabrother.blogspot.com/). All I want to say is already said: I really enjoyed their charm, and their indescribable international sense of humour. I can't describe it because I've never seen it before. As you can tell, I am enamoured with their style muchly. Quite indeed muchly. Mm hm.
I will be sad to miss the last two days of Improvaganza. A window of opportunity opened up, and I am going to visit my Grandma (for regular readers, they already know she's actually my Great Auntie, but she assumed the role of Grandma for me when I was quite young; You know, the one that's going to roll down the hill to the graveyard at the back of her house when she dies... Long story. If you don't know about it, I told the story on April 10 on this blog, just check the archives).
You all have fun. Kick back and enjoy the international flava.
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