Friday, March 17, 2006

No Whining and Dining

So I jumped the gun.

Yesterday, I mentioned I was spoiled in recent times at RFT because I performed every week. Well, I still do.

Yeah, if I'm not in the first half, I'm hosting the Free Improv. Which is really awesome, considering my company (Kevvy, Joey, Jules, and Chad).

As you all know, I'm a little skittish and worrisome, and (only in the last 5 years) have become really socially awkward. This has lead to unwarranted whining and complaining, and drunken rambling... It's bizarre when your confidence runs low.

However, like a boxer with a coconut-sized welt on my head (and my stupid pride), I'm coming back, y'all. My Feng Shui Jade Cicada sez it's for recovery and resurgence, and I've got one, so it's go time. Why? Why is it go time? Because I'm broke... No meals out for me.

Yep, nothing like empty pockets for motivation. I made a DVD of my appearances on Help!TV, and I'm taking it to the lion's den... a talent agent. The last time we talked, she told me it was "virtually impossible" that she would take me on as a client. Well, I don't live in a virtual world, baby, I live in the real one. What what? Das right.

I forgot to put a CD in yesterday's post. Here it is-- Vote for a track in the comments:
Today's CD: Gorillaz "Demon Days"
Tracks: "Last Living Souls", "Kids With Guns", "O Green World", "Dirty Harry", "Feel Good Inc.", "El Manana", "Every Planet We Reach is Dead", "November Has Come", "All Alone", "White Light", "Dare", "Fire Coming Out of the Monkey's Head (spoken word by Dennis Hopper)" "Don't Get Lost in Heaven", "Demon Days".


Quahtreenuh said...

Kids With Guns

... as soon as I saw that, the first thing I thought was Cows with Guns. Of course, that is insane because this is Gorillaz. But I am still voting for Kids With Guns.

Anonymous said...

So I know that it's all popular and "in" and such...but I love Feel Good Inc. So that's mine.