Thursday, March 02, 2006

Josh... Now That's what I call Quite Good.

Three Cheers for Free Ride...
Three Cheers for Josh Dean...

I was going to go on about fake stories about Josh, but I'll just tell a real one.

Myself, Josh, and a bunch of the boys were in a Karen Towsley show at the UofA: "The Pedant". I was a punk, and thinking that I'd throw a monkeywrench into things (this was an improvised show), I changed a quick section of the show into something needlessly long. Josh had the solution (here's what was said):

Shawn: Don't say another word.

Josh: But--

Shawn: Just enjoy the silence.

Josh: Okay.

Shawn: Okay. (long, ridiculous silence)

Josh: But if I don't say anything, the scene won't progress.

Burst of Audience laughter. That's why Josh has a show and I do not. Unless they made a show called "Uncomfortable Silence and a Man who looks Stunning in Drag".

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