Before you read, check out my new links. Yeah, you get to read of the misadventures of Trish, Ang, and Jeff. It'll be fun.
I decided on a new feature. It goes a little something like this: I throw my hand into a shoebox full of Atari games, and whatever one I pull out, I have a little chat about what I remember about it. Today, I have picked:
BOXING: Realsports Series
This was a game initally intended for the Atari 2600, but lucky me, the Atari 7800 is 2600 compatible. So I was able to enjoy minutes upon minutes of fun, helping a black guy beat up a white guy, or vice versa. It seemed to be the old Atari formula: White man versus Black man. I guess it was just easier to make the distinction... However, on the cover, it actually shows a Black guy socking it to a less-Black guy, so maybe my memory is a little hazy...
I do certainly remember that 5 people watch the match, well, 5 peg-like people who pulsate up and down if the action grows. The sound gets louder the more of a pounding you lay into each other. You can punch for the head or the breadbasket. That's it.
If you win, you bounce off the 4 ropes repeatedly, walking on top of your opponent as you go. Your opponent will lay diagonally, knees crooked, motionless. And the 10-count is hideously fast. It is however, a technological breakthrough that the part of the body you hit actually matters in this 1988 classic. It will move appropriately when your stick-like arms strike. The sound, however, regardless of what you hit, sounds like a ping-pong ball being shot at a steel plate in a hermetically sealed room.
I actually played this game (and many others) against a regular reader. So what do you say, Al? Time for me to hook up the old dinosaur so we can go another few rounds?
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