Monday, October 23, 2006

An Important Message About Diet Soda

And the important message is this:

Don't try to get that cool geyser of aspartamey goodness with a Mentos that has a coated shell.

According to the boys at Mythbusters, only the original, non-coated Mentos work for the awesomeness that is a "diet pop cascade".

True, this may be old news for most of us, but I just want to make sure everyone out there knows that it only takes a minute to go down to your local corner store, buy a pack of Mentos and a two-litre of pop to impress your friends, relatives, and strangers... but I don't want anyone to make the mistake of buying anything but the white mints.

Green? No Go.

White? Big Show.

Got it? Good.

Thanks once again, Mythbusters, for bringing us the news that our moms would certainly believe would take our eyes out.

Hey, I wonder what would happen if I put a penny in there...

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  • Artist of the Day (in the blog section)
  • 1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    If Mythbusters has taught me anything, there would certainly be too much to mention. However, my most recent favourite would be that I can now ride in relative comfort & safety even if a terrorist has placed a postage stamp on the blade of the helicopter I am riding in. That really takes a load off my mind. Wait, no, still afraid to fly.