Sunday, July 23, 2006

Oh Hot Hot Heat, A Band and a Description of our City

For the first time since moving to the house, I slept in the basement.

My body just wasn't made for this. I think back to my French/Irish/Scottish ancestors, and I assume they spent most of their time in dark, dank pubs swigging ale and fighting.

Now it may look like my body wasn't made for fighting, but it really, really is. True, I'll never win the fight, but as my friends/relatives can attest to, I never get all that injured. I haven't been in a fight for a really long time, but I assume if one more dude mentioned how hot it was yesterday, he would have recieved a knuckle sandwich, Shawn-style.

Speaking of sandwiches, Hot Hot Heat is a mere few days away. Controller(.) Controller will be one of the opening bands. THUMP THUMP THUMP!! Rewrite your history.

Oh, and for those who manically read my blog every day and come to the Prospect Jam, it's on tonight. 7 pm... Unless you're reading this on Monday and I haven't updated. Then you missed it. I'm sorry.

Song of the Day: "History" by Controller. Controller. At least, I think there's a period after the first Controller... Not sure. Listen here:

Link of the Day: Apparently, Crad's new myspace home.

Playwright of the Day: Bertolt Brecht (1891-1956)
- Epic Theatre is his main game (kind of a "proletariat" form of theatre that uses it's stories, mostly re-workings of old stories, to draw parallels between the events of the play and current events, pointing out the need for political and social reforms)
-"Epic" also refers to the broadness of the topics covered and mixture of narrative and dramatic techiques
- Brecht encouraged his actors to perform "in the third person"; Their acting should comment on the characters' motivations and actions (almost all my "Playwright of the Day" information is stolen directly from Oscar G. Brockett's "History of the Theatre", in case this seems familiar to any of my acting buddies).

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