Thursday, May 11, 2006

Pulling Your Wire(s) and Living Life

Yessir, the most recent way somebody stumbled across me was by searching for:

"Edmonton Oilers and boobies on Whyte Avenue."

I suggest to this individual (who lives here in Edmonton according to my high-tech tracking gizmo) that if he or she would like to see boobies on Whyte Avenue, just go to Whyte Avenue! There are plenty of boobies that don't have to come to you through a wire on your computer screen; They can come to you in REAL LIFE!

And the Oilers won last night. Maaaan, you shoulda gone there last night... I'm sure there was plenty of "Edmontonflesh" on display.

Oh, and while I'm at it, alleeall searching for Funny Nicknames and coming to my site to look for one; Funny nicknames are not looked up on a computer. They are given specifically to specific people whom are suited to that particular funny nickname. You can't just go start calling your friend "Dutchess Fruity Pants" because somebody once had that nickname, and you think it's funny. No No. A funny nickname is earned, not thrown at someone like a beer bottle.

And while we're on the topic of specifics and earning things, you might notice I'm not shoveling a lot of improvisational advice at y'all lately. That's because I'm becoming more and more aware that you can't give the same improv advice to everyone... This is a highly-specialized world of performing and if everyone tryed to pull a Seering Meer, a Mad Crad, or a... Bevvy of Kevvy(?) out of their ass, you'd get one thing: A sore ass, from trying to pull something out of it that wasn't there.

Every single member of Rapid Fire Theatre is going to find their own voice, their own style, and you'll find what works for them is sooo not what works for someone else.

So... who wants to go to Whyte Avenue with me after the next Oilers game?

Song of the Day: "Black Night" (DJ Baba G & Dan the Automator Remix) by Badar Ali Kahn. How many old school samples can 2 DJs fit in one song? The answer is ALL OF THEM!
Building, Constructing...
Groove Modulation... Grr, grr, Groove Modulation!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After the next Oilers game? Like as in sitting at home watching the game and THEN when it's over running into the streets of Whyte?
You're crazy.

But it sounds like a fun sort of crazy.
