Friday, April 21, 2006

Clipping the Red Wings

There are 10 bottles of Brahma, 10 bottles of Traditional Ale, and 3 bottles of Kokanee in my fridge.


Because it's playoff time. That supply will last 8 games.

Look for me in the Oiler flag and vintage jersey. It'll say "PALLIER" across the top and the number is 50. Why 50? Because I stole the jersey that I gave to my dad on his 50th birthday.

Ah, the circle of life.

Song of the Day: "Kernkraft 400" by Zombie Nation. Hockey fans will understand.

PS-- Improv is great. See the show (methinks there's an 8 pm show tonight as well as 11 pm, hockey fans can still go and have a rip-roarin' shouty time).

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